Monday, September 25, 2006


Here's another of my favorite quotes from L. Ron Hubbard:

“Freedom is for honest people. No man who is not himself honest can be free – he is his own trap.”

I remember a friend who was cheating on her boyfriend(s). She actually had two "steady" boyfriends who both thought they were the only one. She thought this was a lark, and just had a great time with it, but I saw her get into more trouble that year - and she never associated it with what she was doing.

She got into drugs, she "realized" that the dream she had to be a ballet dancer "wasn't realistic" because "she was too short" (yet she never agreed to this before she started fooling around), and in the end both relationships became hurtful, vicious relationships which upset her terribly.

She always thought she got away with cheating on these guys. But none of these things happened before she did this....

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Code of Honor

There is one line in the Code of Honor by L. Ron Hubbard that I especially love.

"Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow."

There are many things one can regret, but that doesn't change anything. Yes, it's important to confront and take responsiblity for your actions, but what's the point in getting stuck in what you did.

Isn't it far more humanitarian to lean from your mistakes and get on with life?

There has been many a time when I've been down in the dumps, and I've just remembered that this is a point of honor - not to regret the past but to create the future.

It has made a big difference to me.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

L. Ron Hubbard - the Dianetics Letters

There is a terrific compilation of letters and artifacts from the birth of Dianetics - the late 1940s and early 1950s - which give such a personal view of L. Ron Hubbard and provides a glimps of what it was like to be there at this exciting time.

Friday, September 22, 2006

L. Ron Hubbard -- Frequently Asked Questions

The Scientology Press Office has compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about the Scientology religion and has provided answers to those questions.

There is an excellent page about L. Ron Hubbard.

There is also a short biography of David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center, which is excellent.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Prayer for Total Freedom

May the author of the universe enable all men to reach an understanding of their spiritual nature.

May awareness and understanding of life expand, so that all may come to know the author of the universe.

And may others also reach this understanding which brings Total Freedom.

At this time, we think of those whose liberty is threatened; of those who have suffered imprisonment for their beliefs; of those who are enslaved or martyred, and for all those who are brutalised, trapped or attacked.

We pray that human rights will be preserved so that all people may believe and worship freely, so that freedom will once again be seen in our land.

Freedom from war, and poverty, and want; freedom to be; freedom to do and freedom to have.

Freedom to use and understand man’s potential — a potential that is God-given and Godlike.

And freedom to achieve that understanding and awareness that is Total Freedom.

May God let it be so.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Giving People Another Chance in Life

The "Three strikes" law is based on the concept that men and women can't change. That once someone has demonstrated their criminal tendencies, and been caught for it, three times, they have proven that they can only be restrained - not reformed.

It is understandable, considering the fact that "rehabilitation" has been given to psychiatry to execute, and the psychiatric profession is the first to admit they can't "cure" anything.

But the fact is that criminals CAN reform. This has been proven time and again by the Criminon program, which uses technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard.

It is a crime indeed to deny the individual the opportunity to live a productive and contributive life in society if he or she can reform and become trustworthy.

And it is a tremendous drain on the rest of society, which not only suffers from the crimes of the antisocial but then has to pay billions of dollars to warehouse them for years on end.

Monday, September 18, 2006

L. Ron Hubbard's Philosophy

There are many definitions of the world "Philosophy."

For example:

  • Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline.
  • Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.

  • A system of values by which one lives
L. Ron Hubbard developed an applied religion philosophy called "Scientology." (fitting the second definition above)

But he also shared his personal "system of values" by which he lived in his essay called "My Philosophy.

And the first thing he wrote about it was this:

"The first principle of my philosophy is that wisdom is meant for anyone who wishes to reach for it. It is the servant of commoner and king alike and should never be regarded with awe."

And true to his word, although his works explore the very nature of man and the universe, he wrote up his research in terms anyone could understand.

As he explained it:

" Selfish scholars seldom forgive anyone who seeks to break down the walls of mystery and let the people in. Will Durant, the modern American philosopher, was relegated to the scrap heap by his fellow scholars when he wrote a popular book on the subject, The Outline of Philosophy. Thus brickbats come the way of any who seek to bring wisdom to the people over the objections of the 'inner circle.'"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

David Miscavige Tribute to L. Ron Hubbard

As Chairman of the Board of Religious Technology Center, Mr. David Miscavige is the ecclesiastical leader of the church even though as a member of RTC he is not involved in the management of the Church. (This is actually really well described in the section of the RTC web site that contains Mr. Miscavige's biography).

Every year, Mr. Miscavige gives a presentation on L. Ron Hubbard's birthday, which gives the news of how LRH's legacy has helped in society for the year just past. You can see these at

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Biography of L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard was a prodigious writer. Yet despite the legacy of fiction and non-fiction works he left, he never wrote an autobiography.

He shed light on why in an essay titled "My Only Defense for Having Lived."

I first ran into this piece when I saw a video presentation of the essay, narrated by Mr. David Miscavige. The occasion was an LRH birthday celebrations (one of the Scientology holidays, celebrated every year - usually the first weekend after Ron's birthday -- the 12th of March).

Mr. Miscavige usually also acts as master of ceremonies for this yearly event and gives the keynote speech as well.

Here's an excerpt from the essay:

"The only tests of a life well lived are: Did he do what he intended? And were people glad he lived?

"People have often desired me to write an autobiography and while I would be perfectly willing to do so had I the time, I consider such a work, as I do myself, quite unimportant.

"I have led an adventurous life and it would possibly be entertaining to read, but I doubt such a work would shed any background light on my researches and would not clarify my intentions or why I developed Dianetics and Scientology.

"My motives have not been fame. I tried to give Dianetics, the entire work, to the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association in 1949 and the AMA only said “Why should you?” and the APA said “If it is important we will hear of it.”

"I tried to avoid, until July 1950, saying I had personally done the research but then owned to it when I saw that unowned, it could be lost in its original form.">>continued

What follows is after this is an amazing tale of intrigue, and accomplishment in the face of formidable odds.

It is fortunate for all of us that L. Ron Hubbard lived up to the test he described above, because what he set out to do was to discover and lay out for us a truly workable spiritual technology that anyone can apply to gain greater ability and personal freedom.

I respect the work Mr. Miscavige has done to keep Scientology technology exactly the way Mr. Hubbard wrote it, thus ensuring its effectiveness.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Effective Solutions

L. Ron Hubbard was a visionary whose work as both spiritual and practical. One of his most important discoveries was that life survives through 8 associated urges, which he called "Dynamics."

Scientology technology helps the individual survive all all of these Dynamics.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

As the Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard’s discoveries on the subjects of man, the mind and spirit have helped people all over the world to better understand themselves and others.

“To know life,” he once wrote, “you’ve got to be part of life. You must get down there and look, you must get into the nooks and crannies of existence, and you must rub elbows with all kinds and types of men before you can finally establish what man is.”